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5 Free Tech Tools that Help CRE Agents Streamline Their Business

CRE pros are constantly moving and never seem to stop, whether in the office or not. The way these commercial real estate professionals do business has drastically changed in the last decade and now many tasks are streamlined using technology. Let’s take a look at seven tech tools that help CRE agents streamline their business. […]

3 Things CRE Brokers Can Learn From Predictive Analytics

It is certainly no secret that commercial real estate is an information-driven business. That being said, the industry is beginning to embrace predictive analytics – something that will change the way brokers close deals and will help them grow their clientele. Let’s take a closer look at three things CRE brokers can learn from predictive […]

4 Technologies CRE Brokers Need in 2017

The technological innovations that have occurred over the last few years have helped to make CRE brokers and agents more efficient than ever. These new technologies have given CRE agents the ability to store and transmit large amounts of data instantaneously, share it with an unlimited number of people, and quickly and effectively analyze the […]

5 Ways Technology is Fueling Increased Productivity in CRE

For the last half-decade, developments in technology tools for CRE have been coming at a rapid pace. New digital solutions are addressing problems we’ve faced for years, as well as new ones created by our changing industry. Adoption of appropriate devices and software improve efficiency, accuracy, security, access, and transparency. CRM platforms, listing services, property […]

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